Opening Hours

Monday: closed
All other days 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM - with exception read below

No Commercial og Bridal Photography permitted without prior written permission
There is no sightseeing allowed during services.

Changes to regular opening hours due to church functions  - Check daily updates!
Friday, 17, May, the church is closed for turist visits from 13.00 and the rest of the day

Saturday, 18 May, the church is closed for tourist visits from 12.00 and the rest of the day
Sunday, 19 May, the church is closed for tourist visits
Monday, 20 May, the church is closed
Tuesday, 21 May, the church is closed for tourist visits until 12.00
Wednesday, 22 May, the church is closed for tourist visits between 11.30 and 15.00
Saturday, 25 May, the church is closed for tourist visits
Sunday, 26 May, the church is closed for tourist visits until 12.00

On public holidays when the church is closed there is still access to the church during services. Sightseeing is not possible on these days but everybody is welcome to participate in the service. See our calendar for services on public holidays and else.